Adding Futsal to the FoldFutsal is a down-sized version of soccer, typically contested with five players to a side. The name is a contraction of the Spanish term futbal de salon, meaning indoor soccer. Although the sport was conceived to be played inside, it is now played outdoors as well on fields with dimensions similar to the new ones at Highland Park.
Highland Park is one of Chattanooga’s resurgent urban neighborhoods, and the commons project has been supported by Chattanooga area foundations. With the Chattanooga Football Club (CFC) leading the charge on the construction of the futsal field, the project also received support from the U.S. Soccer Foundation. Sean McDaniel, General Manager of the CFC said “Competition Athletic certainly exceeded our expectations and demonstrated their desire to enhance the soccer environment for both the CFC as well as our fans. They’re a great partner”. Chattanooga Football Club’s schedule will kick off May of 2012. Follow us at www.ChattanoogaFC.com.

Steve Clift said his company was proud to play a part. “There is nothing better than being involved with a neighborhood-based project like this. You have all the energy of the residents behind it, and since it’s public space, they feel real ownership,” Clift said.
Competition Athletic prepared the site, installed a new drainage system, then lay down and lined the 40,000 square foot, three field layout with Dura-Play XP Pro™ synthetic turf manufactured by Challenger Industries, a North Georgia based company. “We are happy to be a part of this project. The Dura-Play XP Pro is the most durable and highest quality product on the market. Competition Athletic Surfaces has a track record of providing only the best materials on their jobs and this project is no different” says Andy White, Vice President of Challenger. www.DuraPlaySports.com
Three pair of goals are moveable to accommodate 2 different layouts. White lines designate three 65 foot futsal fields. Yellow lines demark one mini-soccer field used for 12 and under.