Facility Planning & Operations: Planning & Design

A tennis court is not a parking lot. A running track is not a street. These statements should be so obvious as to not even warrant mention. But, evidently, they're not obvious to many people embarking on new facility construction. Too many instances occur of tracks and courts being built that don't meet the recommended specifications for their construction...

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Competition Athletic Surfaces Installs Spurtan E Surface On Chattanooga Lookouts Warning Track

AT&T Field, home of the Chattanooga Lookouts, with its brand new Spurtan E warning track installed by Competition Athletic Surfaces

It seems appropriate that a team named the “Lookouts” would pay close attention to their warning track. That may be why Chattanooga’s AA Southern League baseball team called in Competition Athletic Surfaces to re-vamp their perimeter surface.

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Showing the Colors

Color affects our lives in almost every way. It can be pleasant and soothing, such as a sky blue or seafoam green; it can signal warning or danger, like a yellow or red light; and different colors can be used to distinguish among a group of items, such as color-coded folders in a file cabinet. Colors can indicate events (red and green at Christmas, black and orange at Halloween), can be a sign of tradition (wearing white for a wedding or black for a funeral), or can describe your emotions (red hot, blue mood, green with envy). Colors are even used to indicate economic levels (a blue-collar worker, a white-collar job).

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Badminton, Everyone!

A year ago the gymnasium floor at the Chota Recreation Center couldn't be called feet-friendly, despite its close acquaintance with hoofers, fitness fanatics and badminton buffs. A worn 12-year-old carpet covering a concrete surface wasn't in the least hospitable to feet, elbows, knees, hips and other body parts that made contact with the floor in the busy multi-purpose gymnasium at Tellico Village in upper East Tennessee.

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